
Medieval Shields Provide Your House with an Appealing and Unique Look

Medieval shields were considered as a first line of protection that made knights able to deflect blows from enemies on the battle field. Today, these shields are very much preferred to add on house walls to give a new, refreshing and appealing look. Over these shields, different kind of symbols were used that include, a knight's Coat of Arms, a heraldic design and lions The symbols were fixed to recognize the friends and enemies as well. Now at the present time, numerous stores offer you these shields at attractive prices. These shields not only enhance the beauty of your house, but also show your love towards the history and honour to the Knights of that era. Some of the popular and attractive medieval shields include:Black Prince Shield: Manufactured from solid and pure steel with full color accents, this type of medieval shield provides with cast metal ornaments created to exactly resemble the original shields handled by Knight of that era.13th Century Domed Steel Nail Polish Shield: with leather arm straps, this steel shield was used in the battle fields from 13th to 17th centuries.Buckler Shield: It has a 4 inches long handgrip in the center. Buckler shield was very helpful in hand to hand battles.Kite shields: These shields were generally used for protection in the beginning of the middle Ages when many soldiers wore only chain mail instead of armor. For instance, Knight's Holy Crusader Templar Shields were used throughout the centuries for defense.Pavise shields: These medieval shields were larger and designed as a means of protection when knights were not firing their bow and arrow.Targe shields: Invented in Scotland with the Gaelic clans, these medieval shields were actually round and used for defense in wars.In the middle age, Motorcycle Goggles shields, along with two-handed swords, heavy pole-arms and full plate armor, were used widely. Each shield was hung from the arm with belts or apprehended by the handle. There were two kinds of medieval shields including battle shields and shields used in jousting tournaments.Whether it is for 13th Century Domed Steel Shield, 16 inch Buckler Shield, Black Prince Shield, 300 Spartan Warrior Shield, Functional Lion Shield, Functional Roman Shield, El Cid Shield, Classic Battle shield, Eagle Shield, Blue Feather Battle Shield, Knights Templar Shield or Knight's Holy Crusader Templar Shield, all you have to do is just select your desired shield and place your order online by simply filling in an online order form.

